Tuesday, September 8, 2009

b l a c k RINGTAIL n i g h t

Black Ringtail Night - Sept 6 7:20 pm

Well…got my taste of camelback at night…foolish or curiosity? Maybe both at the same with a slight edge given to foolishness – I guess that depends on who follows. I started up the deck around 6:30 towards dusk…sun is about to leave this valley. The ascent is quite the breather…mine is approaching zone 3! I see everybody front –meaning they are coming down while im going up…in a way they seem to be following the sun’s path line as it gradually descends downward…I on the other hand treks the opposite…opposite on thought..on the right thing…opposite in time…opposite on carefulness – rather I choose difficulty – challenge – slight hinder of danger – why! I do know…but you cannot seem to remove the smile on me as I pant harder and harder approaching the rails –if you know camelback, the thighs are burning now! My body is feeling strength…that’s what I say…I feel strength and not weakness…if I were to never try this…that would be weakness – which is to let thoughts overcome your true human spirit – we have this while we are young…maybe that’s what I still carry some vibrancy of youthful anthems? Who knows? All I know is being on this deck is timely and healing…btw the ipod is putting lincoln park sounds in me…and this one song sung in Spanish…its cool and full of rhythm…being up here is just ‘record’! the light is going away..now a different kind of light follows…the deep red beyond is measure of time – im up here and I can see the stars to the east..the city below is charming with patterned lights…this terrain is dark! Just as I prepping my pack for the return trip…out of nowhere a large furry creature caught my attention! I said what the f###! I aimed the flashlight toward it and upon my focus saw a cat like creature with ringtails…I was holy cow – that’s a desert ringtail cat up here on Camelback! I was like wow! So then I quickly pulled my camera out ready to take its picture…I tried to maneuver towards it yet I could only get a glimpse of it in the darkness – on the eastern slope is a sheer wall cliff so in a way I did not want to move ‘foolishly’ – falling down the canyon wall is not fun! I just left it at that point and began my descent. I was happy to see it…me and the creatures of the night are one…What a night in the city…what a black ringtail night! rb

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