Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec 2, 2012 - Fiesta Bowl 1/2

December 2, 2012 – Fiesta Bowl ½ Marathon.
This morning I awoke to the alarm thinking it was a work day -then I quickly rose to race day thoughts! It was here already - in a matter of hours I will be running Scottsdale road then Hayden.  I was nervous however training thoughts would take over and I kept focused – I kept telling myself my regiment the last three weeks has been great…stretching, diet, hiking, recovery workouts, etc;  eyes still tired, bedhair & I  felt full from previous night’s pasta as I started to prepare oatmeal, banana, and toast breakfast;  need some coffee…
“…my race gear was set; darkness and an emerging light my front;  this race was going to rock; the stage was great…hearing music and PA announcements fills the air. Runners everywhere - probably feeling the same nervousness...the energy of race plans in the air…smiles…lots of laughter…eyes rolling at the thought of those porta-potties lines..,i begin to think last year’s performance and how it was very difficult (and painful)…I kept to a simple thought of being so thankful and blessed- thankful I was able to bounce back after that awful IT Band/Knee Pain Injury…in my head i played over and over my mantra…keeping it simple and preparing for  the deck…”
Yes!! I did it…I ran a great ½ marathon…I ran in 1:40:15!! Just 23 seconds to my PR!! AHH!! No worries…am so grateful for running a comfortable pace;  at the start was good…just warming up…eww, still felt a bit full from the food however I came prepared…something a bit different was carrying my bottle of cytomax…I thought of how it would strain my arms but it did not…I guess I am use to carrying a  bottle of electrolyte fluid…I needed it the 2nd half (like after 8 miles)…when we switched onto Hayden, I felt very loose and warmed up…I thought of taking off yet I wanted to stay in control of the pace and run smart…I knew the last 2 miles would be good  fight…after I saw my 10 mile time…I was like yes..i am on pace…at this moment, I was happy because my legs /knees were good…greased up…no pain (unlike a year ago)…hitting the dips at camelback was fun…the little uphill felt like a mountain…that part skewed my pant briefly though i fell back into my rhythm approaching Indian School.  this is where I trained so I knew this part of the course was crucial…I ran it a bunch of times...thoughts: almost finish…and I knew I would be seeing Carm and family coming up at Osborn.   My left hamstrings began to tighten and could feel a cramp ready to explode…I kept saying to keep it simple..relax…one more mile…at Osborn, I saw Carm, Brandi, and Kyra – they were my cheerleaders!  It was fast after this…maybe not in time..but my body kick in…running hard…body feeling the work (I call it strength, not a breakdown)…I past the pedestrian bridge feeling very good…the rest was met with cheers, bells..and crossing the mats…
I finished in 1:40:15 (2nd Best ½ Marathon time)

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