“…only a living culture, at once, faithful to its origins and ready for creativity on all levels of art, literature, philosophy and spirituality is capable of sustaining the encounter of other cultures – not merely capable of sustaining but also of giving meaning to that encounter. When the meeting is a confrontation of creative impulses, then it is itself creative. I think that among all creations, there is a kind of harmony in the absence of all agreement” - (Paul Ricouer)
december 6 - monday 9:19 pm...i love this photo of my uncle wilson back home on the rez...i took it while he took the sheep and goats out for their afternoon graze; i follow him to get a glimpse...he has a simple order; almost to a point where simplicity is quite simply the measure of a day...where the process of the life loves away fear, anxiety, and nervous impulses...as though the quietness of one's thoughts pounds loudly saying im ready and offer good blessings just as you have offer life's precious elements...i look forward to getting back north very soon so i can continue to seek a truth - rb
the unveiling of a market landscape is spotlighted - specifically the native american sector, branded as the economic vehicle for firm's business opportuniy map, may seem one-sided as it may sound - the nature of those strategies side-step the seeds of nature and human development and avoid the deeper meaning while continuuing with cliches of Indian Country; i have had a number of conversations/ dialogue with folks about sustainability, material costs, and one, which stands very interesting, how to design a prototype sustainable school on the navajo nation for various regions with a profitable budget...sounds fun - it would be a strategic analysis offered to the navajo educational team; in fact, availing our resources + our value to native american communities will enable them to 'grow their own' leading to transformation or emergence...
living cultures are affected by forces, leading to either extinction or an 'emergence'; an emergence of creative thinking leads to survival - i must live creatively...the practice of architectural design will be deeply rooted to a human connection -that's value...
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