december 31...8:23 pm. at home behind the cockpit thinking about moments in 2010...what a week to closeout! ...took an ARE Exam on tuesday after coming back from Christmas weekend up on the rez...I sat for Construction Documents & Services...readying for the next (Programming + Practice)..give me the tools! on wednesday night, i took brandi to see ethnic degeneration at the was rad! rock and roll heavy metal! i havent seen billy in about five years or was a good connect! i introduced him to my daughter and her friend...funny how i figured this day would come - i kept sharing with brandi about this navajo heavy metal band from kayenta...they rocked! i enjoyed the moment much - they improved very much...i really like the new guitarist! listening to motley crue's too fast for love record thing about looking back is yesterday brings tomorrow...i written that a few times in the original diary line...i truly believe things happen for a reason...i am so thankful for the moments shared in 2010 (believe me i have captured much in my diaries over the pass few years) family...children...parents...and siblings - we are a family with much to share and offer...i believe the magic of our love keeps us motivated and caring for the is something i fate! the muse's "fate will not control us...we will be victorious" i like that chorus line. What is my fate - what is your fate...your destiny...i see myself through your eyes! much to share...where to start...sharing is telling about an event or emotion you've experienced -your characer or emotion is just the vehicle to move another human being - finding a truth will be revealed;
playlist for 2010
alicia keys
little big town
christina aguilera
motley crue
the muse
linkin park (going to see this band play live feb. 2011!!)
Bullet for my Valentine
faith hill
BlackEye Peas!
Lady Gaga
We are the Fallen
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010

December 25 Christmas day at my grandmother’s in Tselani-cottonwood, middle of the Navajo rez. After dinner with family at grandmother’s house (carm went to chinle-many farms to see her family): I went on a hike to standing rock with grizo, dad’s dog – I was looking forward to hiking very much – even though my legs were quite done (after my 20 miler with team chances at tempe lake Friday morning). Standing rock is about 3 miles from the house…(the end of the grazing that’s a bit hood - hehe…:) ; I remember this place very much…memory is good; I walked towards a place we called the ‘rock house’, which is half way to standing rock –my cousins and I use to play here when we were young ones; it made me smile thinking of the times spent on this rock playing war…we act like marine sharpshooters with our pellet rifles…I just smiled holding my springfield… sometimes I wonder how it would be if they were still with us…I think about how we would continue to laugh and help each other out…grizo’s panting is loud! he is good company… he wonders around like a little kid...the place here is neat-o…the ‘layers’ of strata is outstanding and healing - i know my bud Karl would love this..…being out here breaks down all barriers – I see signs! Saw rabbit, birds, raccoon, sheep, coyote, cattle, and horse tracks! Like I told Valley Forward..It’s appropriate to leave good tracks! Came across two horses drinking water at the well - my old great-grandfather was named grayhorse..he was good person who ran with the old ones during a time of 'hardship' …my aunt said this well was the water source for many relatives + families. It’s still in use yet more for livestock…she told of the days when they had to walk here with packs and load up on water and carry back to the house – now that’s work! Now I am deep in our backyard...walking above the wash cause I didn’t want to get pounce by a maii soh – I saw sheep carcass here and there…earlier I felt vulnerable walking down in the wash…therefore decided to get topside…standing rock is quite the feature – quite the marker to the edge. The low rays reveals brilliant textures and shadows…these are little secrets of a place I call home…the 'sound of quiet is a normal sound' native foods galore! My aunt’s food was very good! We had a special blend of corn soup which is slow cooked-corn harvested from the big field; filled with sheep meat from my uncle’s herd..the chili was grown in the backyard as the peaches, apples, squash,etc…talk about ‘grow your own’ – sustainability! …
Monday, December 20, 2010
'navajo tribal seal designer proud of work'

grandson of seal designer -
Sunday, December 12, 2010
determination at 20 miles....
saturday morning early 6 am...endurance rehab north scottsdale...the stage: dc ranch and grayhawke...this morning was great as denise say it would be...20 miles is quite the emotion...starting out was dark and full of rhythm! the sky in blackness reveals a distant...its beautiful watching the blue dawn overtake - a shadow being removed...the pounding of pavement is percussion, almost in tangent with my breathing...the animals see the darkness as their i know some of their precious secrets - not all of them...just a peek!
around mile 17-18, i could feel myself seeking a different i have not felt for awhile. you know when the body is pushed and 'everything' is removed, all that is left is the will and determination..i was saying 'i can do this' - there is a certain truth to my breakdown...i am gaining strength..
around mile 17-18, i could feel myself seeking a different i have not felt for awhile. you know when the body is pushed and 'everything' is removed, all that is left is the will and determination..i was saying 'i can do this' - there is a certain truth to my breakdown...i am gaining strength..
Monday, December 6, 2010
...harmony in the absence of all agreement...

“…only a living culture, at once, faithful to its origins and ready for creativity on all levels of art, literature, philosophy and spirituality is capable of sustaining the encounter of other cultures – not merely capable of sustaining but also of giving meaning to that encounter. When the meeting is a confrontation of creative impulses, then it is itself creative. I think that among all creations, there is a kind of harmony in the absence of all agreement” - (Paul Ricouer)
december 6 - monday 9:19 pm...i love this photo of my uncle wilson back home on the rez...i took it while he took the sheep and goats out for their afternoon graze; i follow him to get a glimpse...he has a simple order; almost to a point where simplicity is quite simply the measure of a day...where the process of the life loves away fear, anxiety, and nervous though the quietness of one's thoughts pounds loudly saying im ready and offer good blessings just as you have offer life's precious elements...i look forward to getting back north very soon so i can continue to seek a truth - rb
the unveiling of a market landscape is spotlighted - specifically the native american sector, branded as the economic vehicle for firm's business opportuniy map, may seem one-sided as it may sound - the nature of those strategies side-step the seeds of nature and human development and avoid the deeper meaning while continuuing with cliches of Indian Country; i have had a number of conversations/ dialogue with folks about sustainability, material costs, and one, which stands very interesting, how to design a prototype sustainable school on the navajo nation for various regions with a profitable budget...sounds fun - it would be a strategic analysis offered to the navajo educational team; in fact, availing our resources + our value to native american communities will enable them to 'grow their own' leading to transformation or emergence...
living cultures are affected by forces, leading to either extinction or an 'emergence'; an emergence of creative thinking leads to survival - i must live creatively...the practice of architectural design will be deeply rooted to a human connection -that's value...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
some say the hardest part is...
Sunday, November 28
"Some say the hardest part is getting started. If this is true though, why do we hear stories of people who give up on their diet, stop writing a novel or quit a difficult task at work. Maybe it’s not the start but the finish that’s so difficult. This is important to know when you are chasing after a dream or goal. Many of us expect smooth sailing once we start something. However, we find out quickly there are always bumps in the road. The important thing is to embrace these bumps, not run away from them. Remind yourself that if it were easy, everyone would do it. Then, when you reach the finish line, you will have much more appreciation for what you just accomplished. The goal should always be to finish, not start. So keep at your goals, and be prepared for the bumps along the way"
- from Team Chances running program website...
"Some say the hardest part is getting started. If this is true though, why do we hear stories of people who give up on their diet, stop writing a novel or quit a difficult task at work. Maybe it’s not the start but the finish that’s so difficult. This is important to know when you are chasing after a dream or goal. Many of us expect smooth sailing once we start something. However, we find out quickly there are always bumps in the road. The important thing is to embrace these bumps, not run away from them. Remind yourself that if it were easy, everyone would do it. Then, when you reach the finish line, you will have much more appreciation for what you just accomplished. The goal should always be to finish, not start. So keep at your goals, and be prepared for the bumps along the way"
- from Team Chances running program website...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
never felt love
"...It's a miracle and a mystery
How the hands of fate brought you to me
I had lost all hope,I had lost all faith
With each kiss you loved my fear away..."
How the hands of fate brought you to me
I had lost all hope,I had lost all faith
With each kiss you loved my fear away..."
was searching for show dates ...and saw this on Little Big Town's site and found this great song off their first record...the song is 'never felt love' - its a great song with incredible harmony and rocks....heard and thought of my made think about the emotions of the the children (my nephews and neices) were feeling considering the situation. divorce is an ugly word...yet perhaps the word itself is nothing compared to the process; who would want that...let alone be author to it..its not fun hearing about...somehow families are interconnected...there should be mending...the simplest of gestures can carry more - they become a better memory; or least one we fall back on...i feel like _______! -there's a birth order book around here talks about the order of children...i am youngest of three (two older sisters); seeking a script;
Thursday, November 18, 2010
life in a northern town...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
REZurrection –
Renewed sensible approach…my time off : “ looking in from the outside”; was home on the rez again over the weekend -helping mom and dad with packing and hauling…there is so much to go through, we all get caught up looking at old stuff like pictures, letters, etc grounds us...very emotional... it was cool to see mom ‘s high school scrapbook and yearbooks..all her photos were great! She was and is a beautiful human being…she even had my dad’s letters while he was in vietnam! i smile as i watch them share those dad and mom did not date in hs...they just knew each other at holbrook high..then he went off to fight (he volunteered)..and they stayed in touch via letters through my Nali...she would tell my mom dad is doing fine in Chu Lai and Khe Sahn...what a backdrop! I was able to feed through my gear too! I saw a few of my high school homework like Mr. Edward’s Math assignments- apparently I received a ½ credit, then he re-reviewed it (my teenage attitude didnt help too), so he scratched out the ½ credit! -all my cassettes tapes too! (remember those) -it was from a time when rolling was just rocking! I even found the original princess leia action figure! Haha…ah what emotions we all felt as we filtered through the strata of memories. Mine seemed to always tie to music…coming back to the valley, I shared with Carm a few stories of those moments as we listened to old tapes like lita ford, go-gos, WASP, U2’s Rattle&Hum (OMG what an awesome record), and motley crue… it was like a time machine…it was just too cool talkin about the old days…I remember when my brother in law picked me and my best friend brian in Chinle fall of 1987 to see motley crue at the coliseum in phoenix…(whitesnake was the support act)…we got check out around 12:00noon from HS…traveled down to phx…got dropped off at the fairgrounds…rocked and rolled…go hit by a lady’s shoe in the head...purchased t-shirts…got picked up around midnight…traveled back to the rez…got into chinle at 6 am…slept for an hour…was in homeroom by 8am sporting new concerts shirts…ah yes….HOME SWEET HOME…
Renewed sensible approach…my time off : “ looking in from the outside”; was home on the rez again over the weekend -helping mom and dad with packing and hauling…there is so much to go through, we all get caught up looking at old stuff like pictures, letters, etc grounds us...very emotional... it was cool to see mom ‘s high school scrapbook and yearbooks..all her photos were great! She was and is a beautiful human being…she even had my dad’s letters while he was in vietnam! i smile as i watch them share those dad and mom did not date in hs...they just knew each other at holbrook high..then he went off to fight (he volunteered)..and they stayed in touch via letters through my Nali...she would tell my mom dad is doing fine in Chu Lai and Khe Sahn...what a backdrop! I was able to feed through my gear too! I saw a few of my high school homework like Mr. Edward’s Math assignments- apparently I received a ½ credit, then he re-reviewed it (my teenage attitude didnt help too), so he scratched out the ½ credit! -all my cassettes tapes too! (remember those) -it was from a time when rolling was just rocking! I even found the original princess leia action figure! Haha…ah what emotions we all felt as we filtered through the strata of memories. Mine seemed to always tie to music…coming back to the valley, I shared with Carm a few stories of those moments as we listened to old tapes like lita ford, go-gos, WASP, U2’s Rattle&Hum (OMG what an awesome record), and motley crue… it was like a time machine…it was just too cool talkin about the old days…I remember when my brother in law picked me and my best friend brian in Chinle fall of 1987 to see motley crue at the coliseum in phoenix…(whitesnake was the support act)…we got check out around 12:00noon from HS…traveled down to phx…got dropped off at the fairgrounds…rocked and rolled…go hit by a lady’s shoe in the head...purchased t-shirts…got picked up around midnight…traveled back to the rez…got into chinle at 6 am…slept for an hour…was in homeroom by 8am sporting new concerts shirts…ah yes….HOME SWEET HOME…
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
richard k begay jr, llc
Building in Indian Country is about community planning and development. Growing up in Chinle, Central Agency, Navajo Nation has allowed me to recognize firsthand how culture & traditions, history, language, economy, and the landscape are important when working with Native American communities. As community planners, we value input, guidance, and share ideas ensuring comprehensive understanding towards the success of building culturally sensitive and community driven projects.
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC is a Native American-owned architectural firm specializing in client-focused development and growth offering professional services in areas of architecture, planning, and interior design along with marketing and business development. At Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC, we believe our expertise in providing sustainable architectural design and planning services will help crystallize and reinforce a client’s vision and goals by meeting budgets, schedules, and creating memorable places while remaining sensitive to the environment.
We bring a wealth of resources and experience to our clients – not only are we sensitive to thoughtful design, we offer cultural facilitation, pre-design, design development/construction documents, and construction administration services to our partners and clients. We feel each project among our K-12 education, higher education, civic, cultural, corporate, and residential partners is an opportunity for personal and professional development leading to lasting relationships. Therefore, we value each opportunity with transparent communications, expertise, and integrity.
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC is a Native American-owned architectural firm specializing in client-focused development and growth offering professional services in areas of architecture, planning, and interior design along with marketing and business development. At Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC, we believe our expertise in providing sustainable architectural design and planning services will help crystallize and reinforce a client’s vision and goals by meeting budgets, schedules, and creating memorable places while remaining sensitive to the environment.
We bring a wealth of resources and experience to our clients – not only are we sensitive to thoughtful design, we offer cultural facilitation, pre-design, design development/construction documents, and construction administration services to our partners and clients. We feel each project among our K-12 education, higher education, civic, cultural, corporate, and residential partners is an opportunity for personal and professional development leading to lasting relationships. Therefore, we value each opportunity with transparent communications, expertise, and integrity.
The idea behind Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC is to provide outstanding service that exceeds the client’s expectations therefore enabling better productivity, better learning environments, efficient use of materials & systems, increased pride and ownership – and just as important, a deeper appreciation and awareness of the environment we live in.
“…the design and construction was of, and returned to, the earth – cyclical process that could continue.” Richard Begay, Diné College Design Story Book
Here at 3308 Studio.Work.Shop, our studio comforts clients, partners and guest with the process of an integrated architectural practice....the openness caters to creative project collaboration and discovery of self awareness thereby extracting the fluid dynamics of teamwork among our K-12, higher education, civic, cultural, corporate, and residential partners. Communication is the key to our success!
We work for our clients. Our approach is simple: we listen! All work is base on listening to clients, enabling our team to thoroughly understand needs, goals, and requirements –and to take those values as framework for developing conceptual models. It is truly exciting to see the client’s reaction as their ideas and sketches are synthesized into realistic and effective design solutions by technology and tactile exploration. In shop, we investigate materials and build models, verify color samples, analyze lighting schemes & study shade / shadows to ensure the best solutions are functional, cost effective and appropriate to region, building type, and culture.
Our client’s are unique therefore the project’s design is unique – we take each opportunity as priority. Our goal is to offer outstanding client service on each project creating memorable experiences, celebrate diversity in cultures and landscape, as well as uphold our commitment as design professionals
Approach to Community:
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC, is a 100% Native American owned firm; Owner, Richard K. Begay Jr is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation –Central Agency and has certification as (100% Navajo Owned Business Entity with Priority One Status under the rules of Navajo Business Regulatory Department, Division of Economic Development). As a Native American owned business, the firm has a competitive edge over non-Native American firms in meeting Navajo Preference, Indian Preference, and/or Native American Preference, Minority Business for projects requiring ‘preference status’ under tribal or minority business procurement rules and regulation.
Keys to Success:
· Provide a value deeply rooted in open communications. Communication is the key to success.
· Use of technology (computer software program Building Information Modeling, Energy Modeling) aimed at facilitating communication of the product. (Renderings, High-Performance data, Walk-Thru, Daylighting Metrics, Site Adaption)
· Utilize a constant team approach at each phase of the project ensuring consensus/buy-in. American Institute of Architect’s Integrated Project Delivery
· For culturally sensitive designs, implement a community-focus process aimed at building consensus
“…the design and construction was of, and returned to, the earth – cyclical process that could continue.” Richard Begay, Diné College Design Story Book
Here at 3308 Studio.Work.Shop, our studio comforts clients, partners and guest with the process of an integrated architectural practice....the openness caters to creative project collaboration and discovery of self awareness thereby extracting the fluid dynamics of teamwork among our K-12, higher education, civic, cultural, corporate, and residential partners. Communication is the key to our success!
We work for our clients. Our approach is simple: we listen! All work is base on listening to clients, enabling our team to thoroughly understand needs, goals, and requirements –and to take those values as framework for developing conceptual models. It is truly exciting to see the client’s reaction as their ideas and sketches are synthesized into realistic and effective design solutions by technology and tactile exploration. In shop, we investigate materials and build models, verify color samples, analyze lighting schemes & study shade / shadows to ensure the best solutions are functional, cost effective and appropriate to region, building type, and culture.
Our client’s are unique therefore the project’s design is unique – we take each opportunity as priority. Our goal is to offer outstanding client service on each project creating memorable experiences, celebrate diversity in cultures and landscape, as well as uphold our commitment as design professionals
Approach to Community:
“As a member of the community’s team, we listen, listen, and listen some more; our team members will work side by side with stakeholders, community members, educators, and prominent elders with preserving and embracing the Community’s values ensuring a framework that will guide and determine the needs of the community”
Our team believes in an open, participatory approach to planning and design. We will work with our partners and with community’s stakeholders & user groups to understand the needs and goals –and to shape a work plan on how to implement those goals towards the overall vision. The open approach will help discover what is important and help prioritize the project’s needs accordingly. This process will systematically translate as the foundation towards meaningful concepts, ideas, and plans.
Our focus sessions or team meetings will initiate dialogue on where and how to start - it begins with developing a clear understanding of goals, community use, philosophy and needs. We listen carefully to core representatives so our team fully understands the diverse range of requirements. Our purpose is to understand and allow the momentum of the process reveal relevant information and to satisfy as many requirements while working under a specified budget and within the project’s timeframe – all to ensure an appropriate solution for the community.
The process progresses logically from general objectives to a specific study using community participation for information and guidance. This collaboration encourages involvement and creativity by all participants during the process. The dialogue will ensure incorporation of values pertinent to community members; such as history, traditions and language – cultural values which are vital and honored.
Competitive Edge:
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC is a small firm with large firm capabilities AND with one goal in mind –exceed the client’s expectation. Due to size, each responsible member of the team provides a dedicated commitment and personal service in meeting a client’s needs. Our designers work with clients & partners early in design; and throughout the production phases and eventually into construction administration ensuring a streamlined collaborative process and team approach on building consensus at each phase. Our team takes pride & ownership of projects by staying on the project from beginning to end – a value we offer compared to other firms where consistency may be lost due to a ‘departmentalize’ structure.
Our team believes in an open, participatory approach to planning and design. We will work with our partners and with community’s stakeholders & user groups to understand the needs and goals –and to shape a work plan on how to implement those goals towards the overall vision. The open approach will help discover what is important and help prioritize the project’s needs accordingly. This process will systematically translate as the foundation towards meaningful concepts, ideas, and plans.
Our focus sessions or team meetings will initiate dialogue on where and how to start - it begins with developing a clear understanding of goals, community use, philosophy and needs. We listen carefully to core representatives so our team fully understands the diverse range of requirements. Our purpose is to understand and allow the momentum of the process reveal relevant information and to satisfy as many requirements while working under a specified budget and within the project’s timeframe – all to ensure an appropriate solution for the community.
The process progresses logically from general objectives to a specific study using community participation for information and guidance. This collaboration encourages involvement and creativity by all participants during the process. The dialogue will ensure incorporation of values pertinent to community members; such as history, traditions and language – cultural values which are vital and honored.
Competitive Edge:
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC is a small firm with large firm capabilities AND with one goal in mind –exceed the client’s expectation. Due to size, each responsible member of the team provides a dedicated commitment and personal service in meeting a client’s needs. Our designers work with clients & partners early in design; and throughout the production phases and eventually into construction administration ensuring a streamlined collaborative process and team approach on building consensus at each phase. Our team takes pride & ownership of projects by staying on the project from beginning to end – a value we offer compared to other firms where consistency may be lost due to a ‘departmentalize’ structure.
We are competitive yet affordable with our fees. Clients receive better value at a reasonable fee compared to large firm’s overhead. Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC,’s team members are talented and have valuable knowledge & experience to offer. We provide this value to our client’s and partners without the ‘corporate structure’.
Richard K. Begay, Jr.,LLC, is a 100% Native American owned firm; Owner, Richard K. Begay Jr is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation –Central Agency and has certification as (100% Navajo Owned Business Entity with Priority One Status under the rules of Navajo Business Regulatory Department, Division of Economic Development). As a Native American owned business, the firm has a competitive edge over non-Native American firms in meeting Navajo Preference, Indian Preference, and/or Native American Preference, Minority Business for projects requiring ‘preference status’ under tribal or minority business procurement rules and regulation.
Partnerships: We embrace partnerships (Architectural, Engineering, and Construction firms) with the goal of establishing long-term collaborations and relationship dedicated on providing services, whether a small or large budget, to K-12, higher education, civic, cultural, corporate, and residential partners.
Keys to Success:
· Use of technology (computer software program Building Information Modeling, Energy Modeling) aimed at facilitating communication of the product. (Renderings, High-Performance data, Walk-Thru, Daylighting Metrics, Site Adaption)
· Utilize a constant team approach at each phase of the project ensuring consensus/buy-in. American Institute of Architect’s Integrated Project Delivery
· For culturally sensitive designs, implement a community-focus process aimed at building consensus
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A I A Design Awards Gala
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
my sisters...
Monday, September 13, 2010
r a i d e r
times are simple yet they can become polluted by thoughts we carelessly author...keep things simple and within reason can provide a foundation like no other...i thought it would difficult yet i listened to me...what my heart says and what can do...i was very interested to know i possess something that make somethings, someone i have a small amount of a powersource i could potentially be a threat...i don't want to think that way though cause, unless i am ready, i don't want to interrupt certain sequences...but i am being raised quite well...afterall its business and conducting business professionally tells plenty about character of self, character of a firm's culture, etc...
one day, i will bring new fees to a new master or better yet - maybe i will the continues...
' i will not bow to this raider from the north' -
one day, i will bring new fees to a new master or better yet - maybe i will the continues...
' i will not bow to this raider from the north' -
Friday, September 10, 2010
b l a c k r i n g t a i l n i g h t !
Black Ringtail Night - Sept 6 7:20 pm Well…got my taste of camelback at night…foolish or curiosity? Maybe both at the same with a slight edge given to foolishness – I guess that depends on who follows. I started up the deck around 6:30 towards dusk…sun is about to leave this valley. The ascent is quite the breather…mine is approaching zone 3! I see everybody front –meaning they are coming down while im going up…in a way they seem to be following the sun’s path line as it gradually descends downward…I on the other hand treks the opposite…opposite on thought..on the right thing…opposite in time…opposite on carefulness – rather I choose difficulty – challenge – slight hinder of danger – why! I do know…but you cannot seem to remove the smile on me as I pant harder and harder approaching the rails –if you know camelback, the thighs are burning now! My body is feeling strength…that’s what I say…I feel strength and not weakness…if I were to never try this…that would be weakness – which is to let thoughts overcome your true human spirit – we have this while we are young…maybe that’s what I still carry some vibrancy of youthful anthems? Who knows? All I know is being on this deck is timely and healing…btw the ipod is putting lincoln park sounds in me…and this one song sung in Spanish…its cool and full of rhythm…being up here is just ‘record’! the light is going a different kind of light follows…the deep red beyond is measure of time – im up here and I can see the stars to the east..the city below is charming with patterned lights…this terrain is dark! Just as I prepping my pack for the return trip…out of nowhere a large furry creature caught my attention! I said what the f###! I aimed the flashlight toward it and upon my focus saw a cat like creature with ringtails…I was holy cow – that’s a desert ringtail cat up here on Camelback! I was like wow! So then I quickly pulled my camera out ready to take its picture…I tried to maneuver towards it yet I could only get a glimpse of it in the darkness – on the eastern slope is a sheer wall cliff so in a way I did not want to move ‘foolishly’ – falling down the canyon wall is not fun! I just left it at that point and began my descent. I was happy to see it…me and the creatures of the night are one…What a night in the city…what a black ringtail night! rb
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
even in darkness...there is a certain light...
the last few days have been crossfade - i find myself submerging to new feelings...yet they seem to be there all this time - just needed a brush of a 'gritty solvent' to extract my subtle emotions - something like being laidoff from work can do just that!! The feeling is not so mutual...i mean, cmon...i felt i was part of great momentum, where being a leader is your prime and the results are both rewarding, heartfelt, and yes unforgiving - i felt we were just beginning to stage ourselves in a terrain i feel we could possibly establish ourselves both financially and worthiness, actually with greatness! A value like no continues... Right now, its been one week, the swelling is down....the void is filling...the roadmap ahead is quite interesting...all my support has been very uplifting & intoxicating...i am you in a mirror...i see myself through your eyes...see you soon...the world is not enough...
Monday, August 30, 2010
t e a m c h a n c e s -

I will be participating in the annual P.F. Changs’ Rock and Roll Marathon + Half Marathon in January 2011. Currently I am training for race day (Jan. 16, 2011) with the intent of running my first FULL MARATHON! 26.2 miles! My previous race ,PF Changs ½ marathon, was phenomenal -with the exception of losing my cell phone at the start line.! I was able to run a personal best –I was built for the race!; So many stories leading up to race day…whether it was running track intervals, running Christmas day in Window Rock in snow, or being pushed by inspiring coaches; the top story is knowing my participation resulted in a child’s emotions as they received a new pair of shoes or were able to participate in a fitness program.
I am a member of Team Scottsdale through Chances for Children-Arizona’s “Team Chances”. We are a not for profit group that provides running programs and fitness programs to Valley schools that otherwise may not be able to afford them. I’m not sure if you’re aware of how many schools in our Valley can’t afford fitness programs for children; the numbers are outrageous. Without fitness programs children are at an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, low self esteem and many other issues. So you see, not only will I be actively training to reach my personal fitness goals, my fundraising efforts will ultimately help Chances for Children’s quest to improve the health and fitness of children in our community.
My goal is to raise $1300 for this worthy cause. This will allow four children to participate in the Chances for Children’s running program. How can you help? Well, I’m graciously requesting donations that will help me achieve my personal goals. If I request 130 folks to donate at least $10 – that’s $1300! I will appreciate any amount provided as this will go towards a collective effort! Thank you!
Click on link below , go to ‘Donate Now’ ; scroll to ‘Donate for an Athlete’; and scroll to my name – you can donate via paypal or if it’s easier, check, M.O., or cash will be fine as well – you can write it out to: Chances for Children Arizona – thank you again!
Monday, August 23, 2010
c r o w d p l e a s e r
Crowd Pleaser
(copyright2003 rkbjr - treatyhisxmark productions)
September 1976
Window Rock, Arizona
The Navajo Nation Fair
Fade in…
The sight of old glory waves…a capacity of onlookers –old and young, a definite family outing.
Yes…a landscape of metal vehicles, buildings & an enormous grandstand all enclosing a small piece of majestic earth. A theatre of tradition …the rodeo arena!
The smell (and taste) of dust…the irritation (and delight) of livestock aroma…sun high and blazing… blue sky - the sensation of a breeze against the skin…the innocence of the young and the daring attitude of teenagers…the swaying of winos at a distance…vertical stature of roman-nosed veterans.
Behind the Chutes (a cueing place for the talented)
The setting behind the chutes is restless yet balances by a magnitude of confidence. The sound of silver and copper-finished bells ring out, young riders preparing their ropes by applying the yellow-colored rocks.
Some guys juggle their Coors beer and ‘Lazy Days, Easy Night’ (a predecessor to Garden Deluxe and Tokay wine); confidence heightens at the sight of single and married women…(their inspirations) yet they hide their personas’ behind the goggle-like sunglasses…the ones with red white blue stripes! The boots are simple and sturdy…some held together by the gray all-purpose tape. Jeans are everywhere; shirts are dusty yet flourish magnificently with the ‘number’ pinned to the back – a visual and spectacular statement of elite…
…Yes – a rider, bull riders to be exact.
Behind chute four readies a soulful champion, his draw awaits – ‘Playboy’ – the grayish-white brahma bull with horns down – one flops loosely like another ear. Nevertheless a sight of awe and power. A violent ride is imminent. Spirited fans are gasping for cool air yet emotions boast the moment. Mildly chaotic.
The announcer begins the biography, “name…comes from Chinle Arizona…”
(name)Rider momentarily succumbs to a higher power
(name)Rider’s friend skillfully prepares the rope…the bell clashes against the steel gate and the earth…the animal is tense and instantly spooked!
Reflection back to childhood riding a steer at home… (In the chute)
Dad – “Now come on son! Hang on tight and watch his head”
Son – the 9 year old is nervous yet determines to make a good ride…actually only thinking about what will happen next since he is fearful and full of anxiety. He realizes the difference between watching someone else and actually getting on a steer.
Dad – “remember what I do when I ride…”
Son – no sound…just nods his head as though in agreement
Dad - “son, have faith in yourself and you’ll do just fine whatever the outcome”
Scene back to Chutes
(name) climbs down into the chute - a wave of chatter finds way to his ear - ‘do it’, ‘come on, your up boy’, ‘ride em hard’, ‘good luck’.
The moment has come as his heart continues to pound, steadily increasing to a chaotic rhythm.
“Okay boys! Okay boys! Let go!”
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
operation navajo nation
it we embark on, well, a rather 'intense' journey...(that is myself + karl) - we are traveling to dine' bi fun! rb
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
'raider from the north'
The interactions with new cultures change the Navajo forever. Beginning with Spain, Mexico, New Mexico, and ending with the Union States of the Americas, the Navajo lifestyle plummeted - almost to a point of extinction. In 1864, 8000 Dine’ are exiled to the south central part of New Mexico as part of the American order of peace. Imprisoned and demoralized.
Exodus. In 1868, a treaty between the United States and Navajo Tribe was signed and later ratified giving the Navajos permission to return back to the four sacred mountains. In addition to the return, an allowance of livestock and utensils were given to the Navajos for their occupation. The years were rigid, to say the least, however the locality was glorious than the one 300 miles to the southeast. The population grew rapidly as did their land base. Strange to them those imaginary lines end their allotment. However the Navajos had the largest allotment established by the United States.
A young raider name Stabber was never captured nor his clan family. His heart remained where his stomach cord was buried…he shared the same wild spirit with his war horses (charger, horse thief, and squeezer). Squeezer was recently given to him from a strong family from the Tselani region (which would later become part of the Chinle Agency). Ganado Mucho was headmen of the area along with Grayhorse. The story continues with the raider from the north…little did he know – his journey would begin with the return of the people. He would become prominent headmen among his group. Standing strong with Juan Yellow, Navajo Joe, and Laughing Boy…they would journey way south into old mexico to find strong-will and resolute and more...what lie ahead change them forever...
Exodus. In 1868, a treaty between the United States and Navajo Tribe was signed and later ratified giving the Navajos permission to return back to the four sacred mountains. In addition to the return, an allowance of livestock and utensils were given to the Navajos for their occupation. The years were rigid, to say the least, however the locality was glorious than the one 300 miles to the southeast. The population grew rapidly as did their land base. Strange to them those imaginary lines end their allotment. However the Navajos had the largest allotment established by the United States.
A young raider name Stabber was never captured nor his clan family. His heart remained where his stomach cord was buried…he shared the same wild spirit with his war horses (charger, horse thief, and squeezer). Squeezer was recently given to him from a strong family from the Tselani region (which would later become part of the Chinle Agency). Ganado Mucho was headmen of the area along with Grayhorse. The story continues with the raider from the north…little did he know – his journey would begin with the return of the people. He would become prominent headmen among his group. Standing strong with Juan Yellow, Navajo Joe, and Laughing Boy…they would journey way south into old mexico to find strong-will and resolute and more...what lie ahead change them forever...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
d a m s e l s
Sunday, May 2, 2010
dear bella
dear bella,
don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and what you want to be...but don't be afraid to be willing to pay the price.
p.s. with black skies...and lightning all around me...i am you in a mirror
don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and what you want to be...but don't be afraid to be willing to pay the price.
p.s. with black skies...and lightning all around me...i am you in a mirror
Thursday, April 15, 2010
black cat caberet dancing down the alley way...CYCLEFEST
April 14 8:15pm– biker week – cyclefest at scottsdale westworld “handful of grease” –
What a show! Staging ground for the ‘greasers’ – leather, smoke, wind-blown faces, biker chicks, chrome pipes, sleek lines, ink… and Vince Neil!!!!! awesome to see vince again...hearing old anthems such as piece of your action, live wire, same ol situation, dr feelgood, and girls girls girls was sweet...ears were shot! carm said i sounded like a mouse whenever i spoke - hehe
What a show! Staging ground for the ‘greasers’ – leather, smoke, wind-blown faces, biker chicks, chrome pipes, sleek lines, ink… and Vince Neil!!!!! awesome to see vince again...hearing old anthems such as piece of your action, live wire, same ol situation, dr feelgood, and girls girls girls was sweet...ears were shot! carm said i sounded like a mouse whenever i spoke - hehe
muzic is live!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
h o m e
diary friday 4/2 5:30 pm tselani-cottonwood central navajo nation
sitting in the hooghan nimazi writing in the calm…the wind is present with its rhythmic harmonics, finding way through the smallest of the openings – exiting as sweet songs …the fire is audible too! the cracking of the ambers is soothing – and well, sitting on the dirt floor is simple + healing…
sitting in the hooghan nimazi writing in the calm…the wind is present with its rhythmic harmonics, finding way through the smallest of the openings – exiting as sweet songs …the fire is audible too! the cracking of the ambers is soothing – and well, sitting on the dirt floor is simple + healing…
Ceremony by Joy Harjo (thank you Ann Marie!!!)
“when considering ceremony the act of preparation is most crucial…each day is a ceremonial progression in which every human take part. We do so either consciously or unconsciously. You can prepare by setting the alarm clock and jumping into the world with anxiety, or you can still set the alarm clock – but take time to prepare for the day, by singing, by prayer, by a small acknowledgement of the gift of the day itself..”
“when considering ceremony the act of preparation is most crucial…each day is a ceremonial progression in which every human take part. We do so either consciously or unconsciously. You can prepare by setting the alarm clock and jumping into the world with anxiety, or you can still set the alarm clock – but take time to prepare for the day, by singing, by prayer, by a small acknowledgement of the gift of the day itself..”
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
and the day came....
Thursday, March 18, 2010
yesterday, i ran to the canal near the waterfront..was good to get my body out; needed it a little off yet it was good after 3-4 next goals? a summer 1/2? not too sure...right now, i am content hitting the gym and hiking camel back once a week...that place will never falter...its quite the theatre for guidance..."everystep is different each time' - there is a certain beauty shielding the dangers inherited in a rocky terrain...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
t e m p e m a r k e t p l a c e - stage!
over the weekend was neat-o! we took the kids to see a number of high school & college music bands compete; it was great to hear their music and to hang out and talk to a few of them; they are without doubt good people cause they put everything into one show hoping for that one right moment; i applaud them for the effort they put; SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
balancing act
March 2, 2010 10:30pm.
The day was simple with a slight pinch of orderly chaos – it’s a actually a balancing act. First we are fortunate to get our accounts in line with some wiggle room though still a long way to where I would like to be – all of a sudden the vehicle breaks down leaving us to a rental while it goes in for a band –aid – quite the momentum jolt. Today I paid the service which cost 770 as well as turning in the rental – that one put me at 160 – equates to roughly 930 dollars! Not fun…like I said a balancing act. Good news is March is here…plenty of bdays this month…including me! Weekend was good…we went to the Phoenix Open courtesy of AP…it was quite the stage! The usual though this one had a bit of business flair to even though it was a day where the hair down…baseball caps and short cuts are okay…fun times with BJ! He’s like a little boy with his lemonade…hike with my baby girl bish jay on Sunday morning at camelback echo! It was raining too! The best time to go to! Rhythm and Power!
The day was simple with a slight pinch of orderly chaos – it’s a actually a balancing act. First we are fortunate to get our accounts in line with some wiggle room though still a long way to where I would like to be – all of a sudden the vehicle breaks down leaving us to a rental while it goes in for a band –aid – quite the momentum jolt. Today I paid the service which cost 770 as well as turning in the rental – that one put me at 160 – equates to roughly 930 dollars! Not fun…like I said a balancing act. Good news is March is here…plenty of bdays this month…including me! Weekend was good…we went to the Phoenix Open courtesy of AP…it was quite the stage! The usual though this one had a bit of business flair to even though it was a day where the hair down…baseball caps and short cuts are okay…fun times with BJ! He’s like a little boy with his lemonade…hike with my baby girl bish jay on Sunday morning at camelback echo! It was raining too! The best time to go to! Rhythm and Power!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"s e d u c e d by Loverboy..."
Feb15 2010 8:40 pm – beginnings - my playlist of today; inspired by past; let me share a few:
I grew up to my dad’s 8tracks –hmm, Johnny Horton, Buck Owens, Charlie Pride, Hank Williams Jr., Chystal Gayle, and off course Elvis! The world would not rotate without him! (Right now I am listening to the Beatle's 'Anna (Go to Him)' - how fitting, I love my mom and dad’s time …its truly timely and memorable…
I was also heavily influenced by my older sister's musical grooves – I mean , cmon – I was growing up on rez in the 70s – let me see, Donna Summer with her hooker themed LP cover – that was hot! The Bee Gees; Blondie; that one song sung by Debbie was just too cool and completlely dangerousl! Yea Chicks=Trouble…so there I was caught between mom+dad’s beats and the erotic rhythms of disco.
“…the next record I was seduced by was Loverboy’s debut record in 1980 (the one with dude wearing tight t-shirt & smoking a rette); - talk about cool! Things that were previously hot and secretly unspoken of prior became cool with a big ‘C’ this point I was ten…days of school inteh early part of the 1980s was just a sweet transition…actually it was just the beginning for things to come…”
I grew up to my dad’s 8tracks –hmm, Johnny Horton, Buck Owens, Charlie Pride, Hank Williams Jr., Chystal Gayle, and off course Elvis! The world would not rotate without him! (Right now I am listening to the Beatle's 'Anna (Go to Him)' - how fitting, I love my mom and dad’s time …its truly timely and memorable…
I was also heavily influenced by my older sister's musical grooves – I mean , cmon – I was growing up on rez in the 70s – let me see, Donna Summer with her hooker themed LP cover – that was hot! The Bee Gees; Blondie; that one song sung by Debbie was just too cool and completlely dangerousl! Yea Chicks=Trouble…so there I was caught between mom+dad’s beats and the erotic rhythms of disco.
“…the next record I was seduced by was Loverboy’s debut record in 1980 (the one with dude wearing tight t-shirt & smoking a rette); - talk about cool! Things that were previously hot and secretly unspoken of prior became cool with a big ‘C’ this point I was ten…days of school inteh early part of the 1980s was just a sweet transition…actually it was just the beginning for things to come…”
Saturday, February 6, 2010
taylor made sixx
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
r a i n i n t h e f a c e
Thursday, January 7, 2010
k e s h j e e'

visit home last week was awesome! we played keshjee' at ben's family place in a very cold place on the rez, tsaile. it was fun - they fed us navajo tacos too; their hospitality was genuine - the shoe game was a great reminder of the stories we were told and now tell to our little ones or those who find it curious and is played only during winter season; i went to my grandparent's place in tselani - but no one there so went down to the housing andvisit with my aunt. she was doing my other relatives...i was able to see the house and visit with my cousin too! the place seems very quiet...though the magic of place will always be the secret; i enjoyed it during summer and now the cold air reminds me of the nature of such beauty...btw - i ran on christmas morning in Window Rock...must've been single digits...i am ready for you -
below is a description of keshjee'
Keshjee', Navajo shoe game, is centuries old and is not a game. This sacred Navajo ceremony tells and shows the story of how the cycle of day and night came to be.
Long ago, in ancient days, the night creatures and the day creatures did not understand the importance of the cycles of the universe. Each group wanted it to be either day or night all the time. A contest was held to see which group had the most power and this was the first Shoe Game.
The two teams played through the night, trying to guess in which of four shoes the ball made of yucca root was hidden. As the game went on each team would gain or lose 102 yucca stems. At sunrise there was no winner and the animals had learned that all seasons and cycles are part of the grand plan.
Keshjee', as a game of choices, represents life and the fact that the natural order of things cannot be changed. Not every choice can be correct, but the lessons are learned and experience is gained. Neither lying or cheating can change the outcome and the payment of a fee of yucca stems is still required
Long ago, in ancient days, the night creatures and the day creatures did not understand the importance of the cycles of the universe. Each group wanted it to be either day or night all the time. A contest was held to see which group had the most power and this was the first Shoe Game.
The two teams played through the night, trying to guess in which of four shoes the ball made of yucca root was hidden. As the game went on each team would gain or lose 102 yucca stems. At sunrise there was no winner and the animals had learned that all seasons and cycles are part of the grand plan.
Keshjee', as a game of choices, represents life and the fact that the natural order of things cannot be changed. Not every choice can be correct, but the lessons are learned and experience is gained. Neither lying or cheating can change the outcome and the payment of a fee of yucca stems is still required
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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