Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26 -

today is my son's birthday...we are celebrating later tonight...i will take him to the dbacks game...should be awesome...gotta watch out for the foul balls...later mom + dad should be making their way here along with other family members...for a gift to braden...got him his first tool box with some 'starter' tools - got him some Craftsmen wretches from sears yesterday...i think he will love it...weekend was quick...i took my brandi to see No Doubt with paramore...what an awesome show! paramore just rock...i certainly enjoyed my time with brand...what a way to connect..right up my way too...i wonder how nikki felt when he takes his daughter to shows...i guess i have a parallell..to my favor...i am not that famous (yet)...saturday morning i hike camelback echo mountain...was awesome yet my body felt clumsy...perhaps due to my resting the last two weeks...(note: i ran 13.1miles and i need to rest my legs)...not sure what was happening but something was definitely missing on that trek up echo canyon trail...all together good weekend...one of the bigger items was the house hunting - we found something that may in fact be our new staging grounds...and better yet it close some nice amentities...lets hope it all works out...got to go...big week this week....i willl be happy once i'm home in tselani-cottonwood taking pictures of where i grew up...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

afternoon stage

“the roots of character – those who preserve their integrity remain unshaken by the storms of daily life. They do not stir like leaves on a tree of follow the herd where it runs. In their minds remains the ideal attitude and conduct of living. This is not something given to them by others. It is their roots…it is a strength that exists deep within them”. – anonymous native american

earlier-was awesome to hear maryam is studying architecture at m.i.t. - wow

12 de mayo de 2009

Today is ______________! another form of expression - now the world will read and stand true...shall i share my written accounts of daily emotions and thoughts...
ryhm + pwer


diary may 12 tuesday

the day has begun -
earlier sat with marsha at starbucks...we met dan gibson on native peoples mag...it was a good sit down...my body is sore from my 13.1 mile run sunday...i have to listen to my body...no running for two weeks..bummer...mom also called me today...she called cause she was worried about me running in the heat...i told her i was fine and was ready for the 115 degree weather...got to go - later -