Thursday, December 31, 2009
s t o p & s t a r e
dec.31...last day of 09...10 is upon us -yesterday brings tomorrow. stop and stare - i like this song....heard it on the radio the other day + alicia key's new record is awesome..that girl is very talented!! c-minor voice and all! good stuff.. later...10 is upon us...rhythm and power...race is coming soon! i am ready for this
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
r e d e a r t h
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
s h o o t i n g s t a r
6:20am..camelback..moon above providing my light...the temperature was 37degrees! i like...i the city is still asleep...going up this trail is awesome during night..i can see glow as i was going up...when there...i saw red earth in the eastern was very awesome and motivating to be up there..and then looking west...the moon still bright...a shooting star caught my attention...messenger from above has landed! :)...all these element! i am experiencing them with a passion -
"tonight's going to be a good night...tonight's going to be a good good night..."
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
n.e.w. m.o.o.n.
wednesday morning...4:15am..was up early this out of the house..did my dynamics in the street with the moon illuminating the western face..i like it...nice glow....i was wearing my full gear-getting cooler every month! i like! i ran my 40 min was okay - though my right back of knee is still acting up...making me run-limp somewhat...kinda a staccato rhythm...and to make it ugly, my left calf and quads get sore too! what's happening to me ! i don't want this now..especially with 1.5 months to the big race next month! oh btw...a race is scheduled for this sunday! this week is busy! friday is another exam..then a&P will be bbqing it up for us here at our lot - yea! looking forward to that ...i like seeing my team - friday night.aia art show! brandi's piece is should be fun...saturday: habitat early then off to karl + heather's wedding! wow those two are it! will be fun and exciting - the reception too! little big town!!! sun is coming up!
later rb
later rb
Saturday, November 28, 2009
b i r t h d a y
november 28 - 5:42 the moment...preparing to enter echo's terrain - days are filled with plenty...having dinner was excellent -plenty of family...i missed my family back home..they had a big one in window rock - i talked to mom and trish daily...they said my aunt marie and pat were there as well as ben's family; my uncle john - mom seem quite content with the annual moment though was fighting a ugly cold...and dad, i guess he wanted to rest...he was tired and still suffering from the wounds of much...i felt for him...and could only wish and pray he presses forward as he has done the last decades...i am in awe at what he has done for my sister's and i - he is quite the strength...something i found in my late grandmother, mary. trish was energetic talking about all the good fixings they prepared...and as expected...folks were asking about jr. she said sonjia is doing well too in las vegas - they had little dinner with her family..and told trish she had to get up by 4:30am to get to work...she works at vic secrets as a manager...she had to get there early to prepare for the wave of shoppers! our little get together had a similar setting though i missed mom's bread and some native foods! believe me - i could do anything for a piece of sheep meat wrapped in tortilla bread...hmm...carm's sister and her sister's friend came by...and the many kids! the 20 pounder sufficed! it came out nice and juicy...breanna came back on tuesday too! i picked her up at the airport...i was happy though i was still jolted on her gesture and actual move to relocate back to the valley and not finish up at ua....i was so upset though i can't really express only i dont want to repeat what we went through the last year ...its just so upsetting to see her momentum halt ...yet perhaps its 'my momentum' in her that needs to be removed and let her move on (minus me)...her mom supports her fully and thats this time - i need to support her (even thought i think about the scholarships she will lose not to mention the big loan debt she will be in :(...what has led to this...are we relieving ourselves in our children's footsteps? i sure hope she find the inner strength to relize what all the talks were a parent that is toughest to see...well for me it is...i wanted to do her best and get to a point where she will understand and become who she wants to be...i didn't want her to repeat what i;'ve been through because that was a rough road and a big took plenty to get where i needed to be..i was a rez kid who went to big city and fell...then i went back to the rez to find myself and then i was ready...
oh yeah...we also celebrated trevor's birthday..i guess in the 'chaos', baby forget her son's we wished him a birthday and ate a quick cake...i try not to forget birthdays! mom's birthday is next week and yeah there are plenty of bday(s) in between...breannna's birthday is next month too! i wonder what to get her... got to go...later rb
oh yeah...we also celebrated trevor's birthday..i guess in the 'chaos', baby forget her son's we wished him a birthday and ate a quick cake...i try not to forget birthdays! mom's birthday is next week and yeah there are plenty of bday(s) in between...breannna's birthday is next month too! i wonder what to get her... got to go...later rb
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
echo canyon
the trail...send me there under cover -
Thoughts of much circulate the sphere…thinking plenty lately, the last half of year is filled with much…sometimes it can be a emotional staccato jolt -other times the joys and laughter of moments make the world of it…after all we all share this crazy yet livable world together – the revealing nature of one’s character is honesty; sometimes I am reluctant to see that or I would revert the mirrored self only to find out it could potentially be late or behind an hour. I wonder about my family much…I am living with them and you could say without them in way that is quite parallel and un-parallel…holidays seem to bring out something…I have a tendency to get carried away with thoughts but sometimes I do and maybe it’s okay too! I don’ really see my parents that much during a course of a year – I miss them sometimes only because when times get rather chaotic, I typically revert to memory…I remember the safety and comfort they provide…I ask myself and the higher power please let me have that feeling back or better yet give me the strength to create the same feeling for all my children…give me strength and I will give something this world has yet to rely on… today mom called this morning and we talked about the many little things..i told her we will not be coming home this next week…I think she understood yet we always seem to come back for this time…family and family friends will be asking for us…time will tell...yesterday brings tomorrow...I have been so busy with much the last few weeks Work is good…busy with CREST and marketing…good to see folks at Greenbuild, AIA Affiliates dinner was fun.,studying and more studying..i seem to always be doing that…running with the Team Chances has been great when I have time…nevertheless my training is going well…our sewer is fixed…finally! rb
Friday, November 13, 2009
n o v e m b e r r a i n
When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained But darlin' when I hold you Don't you know I feel the same' Cause nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain We've been through this Such a long long time Just tryin' to kill the pain Yeahh..But lovers always come And lovers always go And no one's really sure Who's lettin' go todayWalking awayIf we could take the time To lay it on the lineI could rest my headJust knowin' that you were mineAll mineSo if you want to love meThen darlin' don't refrainOr I'll just end up walkin'In the cold November rainDo you need some timeOn your ownDo you need some timeAll aloneEverybody needs some timeOn their ownDon't you know you need some timeAll aloneI know it's hard to keep an open heartWhen even friends seem out to harm youBut if you could heal a broken heartWouldn't time be out to charm youSometimes I need some timeOn my own Sometimes I need some timeAll aloneEverybody needs some timeOn their ownDon't you know you need some timeAll aloneAnd when your fears subsideAnd shadows still remainI know that you can love meWhen there's no one left to blameSo never mind the darknessWe still can find a way'Cause nothin' lasts foreverEven cold November rainDon't ya think that you Need somebodyDon't ya think that you Need someoneEverybody needs somebodyYou're not the only oneYou're not the only oneDon't ya think that you Need somebodyDon't ya think that you Need someoneEverybody needs somebodyYou're not the only oneYou're not the only oneDon't ya think that you Need somebodyDon't ya think that you Need someoneEverybody needs somebodyYou're not the only oneYou're not the only oneDon't ya think that youNeed somebodyDon't ya think that youNeed someoneEverybody needs somebody
Friday, November 6, 2009
day of days
my time to expend energy is here...i am so appalled about how the new house is structured on paper...physically, i can tell it has nice facelift yet underneath& beyond the 'beauty' lies many unforeseen monsters...i am beginning to see who i am under these circumstances...cause i certainly know who i dealing with and what kind of people they are...
i am built for this?
i am built for this?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
don’t stop believing

whatever the orientation…we cannot stop believing in our dreams…that was our
high school class motto way back in the days – I’m pitted against an enormous mountain…a mountain
that is describe as my AREs…under a deck I know or not yet know…for example: I can comfortable walk up camelback echo in the pitch of blackness
knowing I’ve been up there many times studying the delicacies of outcroppings, overhanging rock walls, crevices…and even ‘dead skin’ – which acts as my path marker….
this one I can climb with time as the variable - its rather sequential and given. On the other hand taking the AREs in full is a sequence I find myself thinking over and over can I really do it? I have reminders on my desktop and in my wallet…the one in the wallet says ‘study and prepare yourself and one day, your day will come’ - I know I can do it…time is just a variable- im waiting for something to happen or not…what is the future without dreams…nikki found days without thought…now his days filled with sequence…we all will eventually get there…just don’t stop believing...
high school class motto way back in the days – I’m pitted against an enormous mountain…a mountain
that is describe as my AREs…under a deck I know or not yet know…for example: I can comfortable walk up camelback echo in the pitch of blackness
knowing I’ve been up there many times studying the delicacies of outcroppings, overhanging rock walls, crevices…and even ‘dead skin’ – which acts as my path marker….
this one I can climb with time as the variable - its rather sequential and given. On the other hand taking the AREs in full is a sequence I find myself thinking over and over can I really do it? I have reminders on my desktop and in my wallet…the one in the wallet says ‘study and prepare yourself and one day, your day will come’ - I know I can do it…time is just a variable- im waiting for something to happen or not…what is the future without dreams…nikki found days without thought…now his days filled with sequence…we all will eventually get there…just don’t stop believing... 9 year old daughter katie fills the moments with magic - she sings along to taylor swift's records...inspires me! for the first time, i pulled out my acoustic guitar and started to play in the backyard...the moon will lighting my was nice...need to get back what i know - dont stop believing...rb
Monday, September 21, 2009
h a l o c e n e - be my addiction!

Thursday, September 17, 2009
d a i s y
her momma named her Daisy, got it from a magazine,
Through the mountains in her white dress, she'd run chasin' me,
Thought she was faster, cause I told her so, even though it wasn't quite the truth.
Well I know she's an angel even though she ain't got wings.
Cause my sweet Daisy loved the hell outta me.
halfway to hazard -
Through the mountains in her white dress, she'd run chasin' me,
Thought she was faster, cause I told her so, even though it wasn't quite the truth.
Well I know she's an angel even though she ain't got wings.
Cause my sweet Daisy loved the hell outta me.
halfway to hazard -
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
q u e e n is d e a d!
finally the queen is dead - meaning the war with the ants is somewhat over - chemical warfare at its best (RAID) - they were relentless...the raid gear said 'guaranteed' to kill the there you go...4187! April 1st 1987 (spent with my sister at NAU while she was staged there)
Monday, September 14, 2009
p o r t a l
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
r o b b e r y
t r e a t y of 1868 Article IX says us navajos can't do harm...yet i feel like doing harm to the person or persons who burgularized our home yesterday morning...i am so bummed out...pissed off...why? i ask...maybe things happens for a reason? i don't know...all i know i am thankful nobody got daugther was there after it happen...i felt helpless being so far from her..i could not do anything for the moment...they plenty of electronic gear and rigs...took plenty of our jewerly...some of it has been passed down to us from family mom gave me corral/silver bracelet years ago..and now some asshole is probably pawning it for cheap...ahh! ..they even took my aqua di gio colonge ! so some MF is walking around smellling good :(
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
b l a c k RINGTAIL n i g h t
Black Ringtail Night - Sept 6 7:20 pm
Well…got my taste of camelback at night…foolish or curiosity? Maybe both at the same with a slight edge given to foolishness – I guess that depends on who follows. I started up the deck around 6:30 towards dusk…sun is about to leave this valley. The ascent is quite the breather…mine is approaching zone 3! I see everybody front –meaning they are coming down while im going up…in a way they seem to be following the sun’s path line as it gradually descends downward…I on the other hand treks the opposite…opposite on thought..on the right thing…opposite in time…opposite on carefulness – rather I choose difficulty – challenge – slight hinder of danger – why! I do know…but you cannot seem to remove the smile on me as I pant harder and harder approaching the rails –if you know camelback, the thighs are burning now! My body is feeling strength…that’s what I say…I feel strength and not weakness…if I were to never try this…that would be weakness – which is to let thoughts overcome your true human spirit – we have this while we are young…maybe that’s what I still carry some vibrancy of youthful anthems? Who knows? All I know is being on this deck is timely and healing…btw the ipod is putting lincoln park sounds in me…and this one song sung in Spanish…its cool and full of rhythm…being up here is just ‘record’! the light is going a different kind of light follows…the deep red beyond is measure of time – im up here and I can see the stars to the east..the city below is charming with patterned lights…this terrain is dark! Just as I prepping my pack for the return trip…out of nowhere a large furry creature caught my attention! I said what the f###! I aimed the flashlight toward it and upon my focus saw a cat like creature with ringtails…I was holy cow – that’s a desert ringtail cat up here on Camelback! I was like wow! So then I quickly pulled my camera out ready to take its picture…I tried to maneuver towards it yet I could only get a glimpse of it in the darkness – on the eastern slope is a sheer wall cliff so in a way I did not want to move ‘foolishly’ – falling down the canyon wall is not fun! I just left it at that point and began my descent. I was happy to see it…me and the creatures of the night are one…What a night in the city…what a black ringtail night! rb
Well…got my taste of camelback at night…foolish or curiosity? Maybe both at the same with a slight edge given to foolishness – I guess that depends on who follows. I started up the deck around 6:30 towards dusk…sun is about to leave this valley. The ascent is quite the breather…mine is approaching zone 3! I see everybody front –meaning they are coming down while im going up…in a way they seem to be following the sun’s path line as it gradually descends downward…I on the other hand treks the opposite…opposite on thought..on the right thing…opposite in time…opposite on carefulness – rather I choose difficulty – challenge – slight hinder of danger – why! I do know…but you cannot seem to remove the smile on me as I pant harder and harder approaching the rails –if you know camelback, the thighs are burning now! My body is feeling strength…that’s what I say…I feel strength and not weakness…if I were to never try this…that would be weakness – which is to let thoughts overcome your true human spirit – we have this while we are young…maybe that’s what I still carry some vibrancy of youthful anthems? Who knows? All I know is being on this deck is timely and healing…btw the ipod is putting lincoln park sounds in me…and this one song sung in Spanish…its cool and full of rhythm…being up here is just ‘record’! the light is going a different kind of light follows…the deep red beyond is measure of time – im up here and I can see the stars to the east..the city below is charming with patterned lights…this terrain is dark! Just as I prepping my pack for the return trip…out of nowhere a large furry creature caught my attention! I said what the f###! I aimed the flashlight toward it and upon my focus saw a cat like creature with ringtails…I was holy cow – that’s a desert ringtail cat up here on Camelback! I was like wow! So then I quickly pulled my camera out ready to take its picture…I tried to maneuver towards it yet I could only get a glimpse of it in the darkness – on the eastern slope is a sheer wall cliff so in a way I did not want to move ‘foolishly’ – falling down the canyon wall is not fun! I just left it at that point and began my descent. I was happy to see it…me and the creatures of the night are one…What a night in the city…what a black ringtail night! rb
Friday, September 4, 2009
N a a b a a h i i (r a i d e r )
N a a b a a h i i (r a i d e r )
spaniards, mexicans, new mexicans, utes, americans...
spaniards, mexicans, new mexicans, utes, americans...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
t a l k e r
Well today i feel very good about my one mile run - i was late getting there! bummer - what can i say, work had me anchored..nevertheless i was able to get my time...thanks to Andi for letting me use her garmin...walking from the vehicle to the staging area was my warm time i need to stretch appropriately. i look forward to more training…especially the long runs on weekends. Talked to Keisha last night – she is quite the talker…my little niece has started kindergarten at petroglyph elementary in Albuquerque..she seems to be doing well with her ‘grown up’ front…my baby called last night..she was also talking and describing her days…I was happy to hear all the thing she keeping busy with…she also made contact with the native folks at Nasa…met a guy name ty –who happens to be related to her by clan…I told her to make sure you tell them your clan..she seems to be doing fine with her new digs..sounds like she working out plenty…good for her…looking forward to her visit this weekend. later
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
c h u c k w a l l a
Chuckwallas are a stocky wide-bodied lizard with a flattened midsection and prominent belly. Their tails are thick, tapering to a blunt tip. Loose folds of skin characterize the neck and sides of the body, which is covered in small, coarsely granular scales. The common chuckwalla (Sauromalus ater) measures 40cm in length whereas insular species such as the giant chuckwalla of San Esteban Island (Sauromalus varius) can measure as much as 76cm in total length.
These lizards are well adapted to desert conditions; they are active at temperatures of up to 102°F (39°C). Chuckwallas hibernate during cooler months and emerge in February.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dead Skin

August 29
Dead skin…at the bottom of the saguaro…going up camelback – this deck is good – goes hand down with my training schedule – which is x-training. What may be inviting and more of a momentum booster is the ‘drive’ to be here…put myself here –despite 113 degree temperature! Like I stated before, I would not put myself in a position where I knew the outcome would be disastrous…learning and growing up on the rez has taught me a few things on terrains…the last time I felt fear was jumping in the Aegean sea off the coast of Sifnos, Greece. Talk about helpless…June 13, 2000 summer Castro,Sifnos Greece. A few of us went down to the coastline to swim. It was very rocky and steep but we all manage to get there was exciting and a little intimidating. I had never jumped off the side of a cliff into saltwater before so my mind and body grew intense. Brett was the first to dive in…it looked simple, at least that was the way he made it look…I was up! My anticipation grew as well as my anxiety. Finally I dove in! once in…I surfaced well yet the waves were so intense and the water felt like a heavy medium…it was soooo different than a calm water or pool. The waves kept me bobbing up and down …a cycle keep me from getting to the rock edge where Brett was…I tried and tried to swim to his position..they toldme to relax…I saw my fear in my Brett’s eyes…I was like ‘oh shit’...finally I was able to float towards the rock edge…yet I was pull away from the rhythm of the waves…I got Brett’s reach yet now I was being pounded against the rocks…my body was so tired and muscles were done…my breath was probably recording about 180 bpm!!...finally the tall UA wildcat pulled me out…I lay there on the rocks thinking about what just happen…my body and leg covered in blood cause of all the abrasions and cuts…that was an intense moment...when up here...i think about those benchmarks...and how i will not place myself in again...therefore i know my threshold...which is pretty unique - yet rambunctiously foolish...boys will be boys -
Dead skin…at the bottom of the saguaro…going up camelback – this deck is good – goes hand down with my training schedule – which is x-training. What may be inviting and more of a momentum booster is the ‘drive’ to be here…put myself here –despite 113 degree temperature! Like I stated before, I would not put myself in a position where I knew the outcome would be disastrous…learning and growing up on the rez has taught me a few things on terrains…the last time I felt fear was jumping in the Aegean sea off the coast of Sifnos, Greece. Talk about helpless…June 13, 2000 summer Castro,Sifnos Greece. A few of us went down to the coastline to swim. It was very rocky and steep but we all manage to get there was exciting and a little intimidating. I had never jumped off the side of a cliff into saltwater before so my mind and body grew intense. Brett was the first to dive in…it looked simple, at least that was the way he made it look…I was up! My anticipation grew as well as my anxiety. Finally I dove in! once in…I surfaced well yet the waves were so intense and the water felt like a heavy medium…it was soooo different than a calm water or pool. The waves kept me bobbing up and down …a cycle keep me from getting to the rock edge where Brett was…I tried and tried to swim to his position..they toldme to relax…I saw my fear in my Brett’s eyes…I was like ‘oh shit’...finally I was able to float towards the rock edge…yet I was pull away from the rhythm of the waves…I got Brett’s reach yet now I was being pounded against the rocks…my body was so tired and muscles were done…my breath was probably recording about 180 bpm!!...finally the tall UA wildcat pulled me out…I lay there on the rocks thinking about what just happen…my body and leg covered in blood cause of all the abrasions and cuts…that was an intense moment...when up here...i think about those benchmarks...and how i will not place myself in again...therefore i know my threshold...which is pretty unique - yet rambunctiously foolish...boys will be boys -
btw...while coming down...i placed my foot on the rock...then all of a sudden i saw large scared the S*** out of me...made me fall and throw my bottle...then i came back asking if i can take its picture...was cool! chuckwalla and i one...rb
Friday, August 28, 2009
a t t a c k p l a n !
last night I ran fairly comfortably – I guess you also say fairly fashionably – I was sporting new gear. More specifically a new shirt from Endurance Rehab – I received a very nice light charcoal Asics shirt on Wednesday night from the team. I was excited to wear my new gear – my shield - our shield ! Angie came up to me this morning and asked what is the attack plan for fund raising – she has been very supportive from the dlr associates group…so supportive she is willing to assist by creating the raffle tickets and ready to request from vendors on a number of raffle items we need to raffle off…sounds very raffling! Navajo Nation Fair is in two weeks! I’m feeling much better knowing this week is coming to a conclusion – CREST has been submitted to all regulatory agencies! I am very happy to get that in the for reviews – my team did a great job pulling things together – it came down to the last second! rb
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 27 -

last night if not yesterday was very hectic...very scheduled! it was a time for sending /routing our construction documents to all regulatory agencies, A&P, and others -then i attended the Team Chances kickoff at Endurance Rehab in Scottsdale. In a way i barely got there...i think right at 6:00 pm - i just felt i was rushing throughout the day...and to make it more hectic, i hadn't sleep well and to be honest i did not sleep one bit...more on that later -
the Chances was fun and full of energy, probably because Andi is such a cool person...Melissa was right when she said that's a good coach. Andi will be our tormentor (I mean trainer) for the next few months getting us ready for the big race...actually we'll be running a number of races prior to Changs. All i know is i feel pretty lucky and privilege to be here and to be participating with this program - thank you A&P! i look forward to the track workouts and the long runs on saturdays...though i will have to change it up since my saturdays will packed with the Habitat i got my contributor issue from Native Peoples Magazine - Yah! i actually forgot about that until i saw the issue (unreleased) on my desk...i was happy...too bad we did make the cover...maybe next to go later - rb
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
T e a m C h a n c e s
a story unfolds...
actually this story has a beginning...much like these pages...there seems to be a beginning and a conclusion...yet there is no end to my story or anybody else. A&P,my business partners throughout the years, have asked i join their team with pursuits of raising money for Chances for Children...just recently i let them know my answer - Yes! they are great group not to mention talented runners...last year was pivotal as it culminated throughout the season to the start then at echo canyon tempe town lake... i wonder what's next - rhythm + power
actually this story has a beginning...much like these pages...there seems to be a beginning and a conclusion...yet there is no end to my story or anybody else. A&P,my business partners throughout the years, have asked i join their team with pursuits of raising money for Chances for Children...just recently i let them know my answer - Yes! they are great group not to mention talented runners...last year was pivotal as it culminated throughout the season to the start then at echo canyon tempe town lake... i wonder what's next - rhythm + power
i look forward to the Chances running program -
Saturday, August 22, 2009
UA - new digs for Breanna
yesterday we took breanna down to UA! it was quite the day filled with good twists and good turns - all kinds of emotions were abound...none of them could ever dull the moment...i mean cmon, the day has come when we said our baby would be going off to a big university learning about the next level. i am so proud of her...her entire family has supported her since those days of cozy coupe driving, pouring powder all over her sister's head, playing basketball, etc. etc.! she has so much to offer. the world awaits you -
after leaving the place where we all grew in some manner, i felt a bit depressed - in a way i was already missing her...even after i told her i am just two hours away...the other day she expressed subtle emotions to me...we haven't connected like in quite some time and i was beginning to feel the magnitude of the dad-daughter relationship. as parents...we see our kids grow in our footsteps..i just want her to grow in better footsteps with a bright future -
Monday, August 17, 2009
You know when you plan and expect certainty to provide a familiar or so…surprises have a tendency to make the soul feel great with a hidden myst. On this day begin one’s line…obviously a famous one…well in my diary – yea!...before I describe our night with melanie...our dinner at olive and ivy was measured well—obviously we love chicken…the chicken meshed with a souring cleverness’ of mash potatoes as the foundation was impressive…our stage was soothed with nice upholstered seating –literally ! we finally got to sit in a more private-ish setting…and with pillows! The last time we dined here was with Erin, Denise, and other notable folks from New way! After dinner we strolled over the bridge to Estate House where we gravitated to the 2nd level deck by music…it seem like the music picked us up and brought us to the 2nd level out door setting - It was neat-o! nice sofas…with more pillows! Lydia was quite the hostess…I receive a text from mel saying she’ll be the devils martini at 10….so no rush…all good! The music was magnificent! The guy’s voice with an acoustic guitar was it…created a mode of relaxation…it was truly a treat! This is one of those surprises I was talking about…he really covered a few ‘cover’ songs well! Johnny cash, elvis, etc! all good…we even danced to one song…how fun…off to the devils martini…wow what a place…very hot…very sexy…mel was staged near the dance floor…in a booth…she was happy…gave her gift…and she was even more happier! We met her friends..all of sudden , friends became friends…it was fun talking, posing, dancing. ”…when I grow up I wanna be famous I wanna be a star…” fun being here ..full of surprises…I can see why DLR folks hung out here last year after the annual meeting…and we went to Carrie Underwood…oh well..that was a speculator night as tonight…mel is a good attorney friend my az state bar attorney! yea…architects and attorneys happy 29 J xoxo later…rb
You know when you plan and expect certainty to provide a familiar or so…surprises have a tendency to make the soul feel great with a hidden myst. On this day begin one’s line…obviously a famous one…well in my diary – yea!...before I describe our night with melanie...our dinner at olive and ivy was measured well—obviously we love chicken…the chicken meshed with a souring cleverness’ of mash potatoes as the foundation was impressive…our stage was soothed with nice upholstered seating –literally ! we finally got to sit in a more private-ish setting…and with pillows! The last time we dined here was with Erin, Denise, and other notable folks from New way! After dinner we strolled over the bridge to Estate House where we gravitated to the 2nd level deck by music…it seem like the music picked us up and brought us to the 2nd level out door setting - It was neat-o! nice sofas…with more pillows! Lydia was quite the hostess…I receive a text from mel saying she’ll be the devils martini at 10….so no rush…all good! The music was magnificent! The guy’s voice with an acoustic guitar was it…created a mode of relaxation…it was truly a treat! This is one of those surprises I was talking about…he really covered a few ‘cover’ songs well! Johnny cash, elvis, etc! all good…we even danced to one song…how fun…off to the devils martini…wow what a place…very hot…very sexy…mel was staged near the dance floor…in a booth…she was happy…gave her gift…and she was even more happier! We met her friends..all of sudden , friends became friends…it was fun talking, posing, dancing. ”…when I grow up I wanna be famous I wanna be a star…” fun being here ..full of surprises…I can see why DLR folks hung out here last year after the annual meeting…and we went to Carrie Underwood…oh well..that was a speculator night as tonight…mel is a good attorney friend my az state bar attorney! yea…architects and attorneys happy 29 J xoxo later…rb
Saturday, August 8, 2009
g r e a s e r - (get that greaser!)
In 1989, I crashed my 1987 Shadow 750 motorcycle late in the evening - by plowing it straight into a horse on highway 191 Northeast Arizona – literally! From the intersection at Burnside, I accelerated from maybe 4 mph to 55 or 60 mph! It was dark with no moon! I spent most the late afternoon and evening in Ganado – later, I decided to head back to Chinle. I had a helmet which just happened to have a dark tinted visor – for day riding. At night – no way!!! So I was constantly lifting it every now and then…however I had to close it since the air was watering my eyes and the bugs felt like bullets hitting my face…so I would put it down! - I was definitely asking for trouble – a dark tinted face shield and the Dark of the Night do not mix! Let me be the first to tell you…
As I sped out of the intersection, I closed the shield - in an instant I saw a bunch of horses on the road so I swerved to the left misses them barely…remember I had the dark shield on my helmet down…AND THEN, as I came back to right side of the road…A black horse just happen to be centered in my lane…I saw in the split of a second the image of a horse and that was it…sometime later (not too sure the time lapsed), I was awaken by the hot pipes of my bike on my leg…apparently I hit the black horse dead center and we all flew 75 feet or so (police report) and l and bike landed in the middle lane…the horse landed off the road to the right…as I look up…I removed my helmet still pinned by my bike….i kick the bike off me…and continue looking up trying to grasp what just happened…I thought I was in the next world…I thought I saw the universe and how beautiful it was…at a moment I thought I had gone to the otherside…until a some hard lights and the sound of vehicle 1 feet from my head let me know I was alive and well-figured – but in the middle of the road in pitch black rez night!
…I just realized I had hit the horse which made me begin to feel nauseous more, and ready to pass out…before I literally was knocked out – however I felt strength come my way…I was thinking am I dead or am alive…it was the most severe, surreal moment.
In 2002 I shared this with students at Ganado High School during my Career Day Presentation since they asked all kinds of questions about me…soon they called me the ‘greaser’
Friday, August 7, 2009
g l i t t e r
august 7 friday @ paradise bakery...breakfast with my emotions...this partner is a monster...i am wondering about it reveals itself...its not so easy to leave things just as they are...yet maybe that needs to happen...
"don't deceive me
and please believe me
i only need your love
"don't deceive me
and please believe me
i only need your love
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Black Horse Night
It was something else to be home and see relatives…some I have not see for quite some time...they were impressed with me…i am glad I helped my sister and her daughter…I worked very hard helping – and was able to run away to my fort; being there at night with the moon was the best…silence was needed…i use to play here with my cousin brothers when we were little…later I came back into the camp …I brought three horse home that night…their steeds made the dogs bark
Louisiana Red, Fuego Bistro, and Club Tropicana
July 25 Fuego Bistro, Rhythm Room, Phoenix AZ & Club Tropicana in Scottsdale
dinner was great! got the recommendation from Carm's Abbey...we are following her we head to the Room - the presence of a living legend –louisiana red at the rhythm room...what power and grace. I was able to talk with Red for a few minutes. I introduced myself and he my surprise he said he had some apache blood in him...i said look at us..“two indian boys“ he liked that...he said he didn’t wear his turquoise...later he and i sat for a photo and he added himself to my diary...see above! Plus he signed his newest record for me, Back to the Black Bayou. the presence of a living legend –louisiana red at the rhythm room...what power and grace. I was able to talk with Red for a few minutes. I introduced myself and he my surprise he said he had some apache blood in him...i said look at us..“two indian boys“ he liked that...he said he didn’t wear his turquoise...later he and i sat for a photo and he added himself to my diary...see above! Plus he signed his newest record for me, Back to the Black Bayou.
Club Tropicana 12 a.m. - hot and sexy - music is awesome -
Monday, July 20, 2009
i was there when it happened...

how else is there movement...we are here...there you are
there he is, colorized by moments of readiness only to be shine
of new yet stable charge...
hey adrian rocked! it was good to hear him live again...what a treat to get the acoustic with reverb...annette on is good for you!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Olive+Ivy; Los Olivos; Comedy Spot
Monday, June 29, 2009
"...Stacked heels kicking rhythm..."

June 26 - evening - Scottsdale
A night of Asian delicacy near the Waterfront along with Sicilian red, specifically Nero D’ Avola at Lila’s stage – which happened to be at the Fire Sky Resort (her birthday show)…ahh what magic with her circle…it was good to see familiars not to mention meeting her brother…finally I was able to meet the only boy! What seem like the end of the song became the beginning of the next melody line –Richie and Cherie called and asked if we were still in the area…I said yes! 21 minutes later , we all were grouped at Martini Ranch!! Shaking at the shaker room was posh yet lively with seductiveness…a crowd nevertheless, with music as the measure of time…and then our sights and sounds were magnified with plain rock and rock with a 50s uppercut spectacular – Metal Elvis hit the stage and we had an earshot - Literally. Hearing intro to rock & roll songs with classic Elvis music was very entertaining…the big swing on this night was spontaneity – very studio 54ish… to be continued!
“…Stacked heels kicking rhythm…Of social circumcision…
I can’t close the closet on the shoebox full of bones…”
A night of Asian delicacy near the Waterfront along with Sicilian red, specifically Nero D’ Avola at Lila’s stage – which happened to be at the Fire Sky Resort (her birthday show)…ahh what magic with her circle…it was good to see familiars not to mention meeting her brother…finally I was able to meet the only boy! What seem like the end of the song became the beginning of the next melody line –Richie and Cherie called and asked if we were still in the area…I said yes! 21 minutes later , we all were grouped at Martini Ranch!! Shaking at the shaker room was posh yet lively with seductiveness…a crowd nevertheless, with music as the measure of time…and then our sights and sounds were magnified with plain rock and rock with a 50s uppercut spectacular – Metal Elvis hit the stage and we had an earshot - Literally. Hearing intro to rock & roll songs with classic Elvis music was very entertaining…the big swing on this night was spontaneity – very studio 54ish… to be continued!
“…Stacked heels kicking rhythm…Of social circumcision…
I can’t close the closet on the shoebox full of bones…”
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
architect seeking attorney
today i signed a contract to submerged ourselves into the purchase of a house in south scottsdale...i haven't even seen the home -only carmen! my 'connection' to a previous home are still anchored...i'm still trying to pull the anchor up so i can move forward and drop anchor at this new uncharted territory...then i got thinking...maybe i should seek advice from my attorney friends...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
June 20 _Stage Olive & Iivy - the Waterfront
Monday, June 15, 2009
Live Wire 6 - Diary November 14, 2005 9:39 am
LW # 6
muzic: - garbage 'bleed like me'.
e: karletta chief's website
vogue: bananarepublic
solid concoction: orange and cereal
liquid concoction: juice, coffee, and water for the day.
today will be a busy day for me...many tasks need to be done .so why am i writing...hmm...good one...we'll let's just say i like to keep family and friends up to date on my weeks...because i'm bad at calling plus when i find things interesting i feel like sharing it.
Last week was a hectic week for me...first my weekend started off by me flying to San Francisco to attend a leadership program and then once i was back - planning for a big presentation down at the UA.
My 36 hour trip to San Francisco was was basically a train ride!! very fast.! it was quite nice to fly into SFO International Airport, a place i'm quite familiar with since i interned there summer 1998. It was great seeing the place again. from there i had to get downtown so the only way i saw fit was to get on the BART and save some $. The BART to downtown SF cost $5 compare to a $50 cab ride (in which my colleagues had done). I never rode the BART before since i lived south of the Airport and the BART runs north of the airport only. It was quite the experience. everything was planned. i had to get off at montgomery street station and basically walk to my hotel which seem quite simple on a map. however once i emerged out of the station, a landscape of skyscapers and a recognizable overcast disoriented my position. i did have a good grasp of which way was north. i looked goofy studying the map relentlessly. me, a master of position? finally i found my hotel after the slight pause. (this reminded me of a lecture i gave about comfort, orientation, and displacement)
The UA lecture was a success. i felt nervous since this was probably my first major lecture at a university. I knew the audience was going to be much more 'mature' than high school students or k-3 student which have been my primary target audience. in a way , i had a comfort level speaking about culture and design to this age group yet to speak to a intellectual and international community had me reaching deep and poetically. i knew i had present a simple yet exciting topic - the navajo culture. the title of my presentation was: "Incorporating the Navajo Culture into Architecture: creating a dialogue between ourselves and the world we live in".
When i first arrived at the UA, i parked and transported my architectural models to the place where i would be speaking. then went to Posner's Art store on Park avenue. i had to go there just to smell the 'tools'...hey, the couple who run the place remembered me..only because architecture majors are frequent visitors to their store. i told them the last time i was here was when i was constructing my senior capstone models. after the visit i ran to the was awesome! though i did not see my professors or the dean, i was able to walk around and 'take in' all the magic. i walked up to the studios and found it very intriguing - a nice terrain i am most fond of. i walked in the 3rd year studio and one guy was like 'hey, how's it going'. (immediately i knew i was home). if they only knew who i was ! (i am a simple stranger but should i tell them i championed seven A's out of eight studios!!!) from what i hear, that is rare! i'm just so happy i was able to part of this great program.
the presentation begun! i presented to about 25 people, mostly hydrology with a few architecture. more than half were professors. i presented a powerpoint presentation on inspirations, observations, and interaction. after i presented, there was a screening of the film documentary - aboriginal architecture - living architecture (navajo segment). 65 mins. later i took questions. i answered all of them (this was great because it tells me how to tailor my next 1).
strive for inner energies, it resonates to others. be strong and resolute!
muzic: - garbage 'bleed like me'.
e: karletta chief's website
vogue: bananarepublic
solid concoction: orange and cereal
liquid concoction: juice, coffee, and water for the day.
today will be a busy day for me...many tasks need to be done .so why am i writing...hmm...good one...we'll let's just say i like to keep family and friends up to date on my weeks...because i'm bad at calling plus when i find things interesting i feel like sharing it.
Last week was a hectic week for me...first my weekend started off by me flying to San Francisco to attend a leadership program and then once i was back - planning for a big presentation down at the UA.
My 36 hour trip to San Francisco was was basically a train ride!! very fast.! it was quite nice to fly into SFO International Airport, a place i'm quite familiar with since i interned there summer 1998. It was great seeing the place again. from there i had to get downtown so the only way i saw fit was to get on the BART and save some $. The BART to downtown SF cost $5 compare to a $50 cab ride (in which my colleagues had done). I never rode the BART before since i lived south of the Airport and the BART runs north of the airport only. It was quite the experience. everything was planned. i had to get off at montgomery street station and basically walk to my hotel which seem quite simple on a map. however once i emerged out of the station, a landscape of skyscapers and a recognizable overcast disoriented my position. i did have a good grasp of which way was north. i looked goofy studying the map relentlessly. me, a master of position? finally i found my hotel after the slight pause. (this reminded me of a lecture i gave about comfort, orientation, and displacement)
The UA lecture was a success. i felt nervous since this was probably my first major lecture at a university. I knew the audience was going to be much more 'mature' than high school students or k-3 student which have been my primary target audience. in a way , i had a comfort level speaking about culture and design to this age group yet to speak to a intellectual and international community had me reaching deep and poetically. i knew i had present a simple yet exciting topic - the navajo culture. the title of my presentation was: "Incorporating the Navajo Culture into Architecture: creating a dialogue between ourselves and the world we live in".
When i first arrived at the UA, i parked and transported my architectural models to the place where i would be speaking. then went to Posner's Art store on Park avenue. i had to go there just to smell the 'tools'...hey, the couple who run the place remembered me..only because architecture majors are frequent visitors to their store. i told them the last time i was here was when i was constructing my senior capstone models. after the visit i ran to the was awesome! though i did not see my professors or the dean, i was able to walk around and 'take in' all the magic. i walked up to the studios and found it very intriguing - a nice terrain i am most fond of. i walked in the 3rd year studio and one guy was like 'hey, how's it going'. (immediately i knew i was home). if they only knew who i was ! (i am a simple stranger but should i tell them i championed seven A's out of eight studios!!!) from what i hear, that is rare! i'm just so happy i was able to part of this great program.
the presentation begun! i presented to about 25 people, mostly hydrology with a few architecture. more than half were professors. i presented a powerpoint presentation on inspirations, observations, and interaction. after i presented, there was a screening of the film documentary - aboriginal architecture - living architecture (navajo segment). 65 mins. later i took questions. i answered all of them (this was great because it tells me how to tailor my next 1).
strive for inner energies, it resonates to others. be strong and resolute!
Monday, June 8, 2009
June 6 - 89 Class
Ft. Mcdowell...
devotion comes at levels with various tones -highly visible. hasn't change much over the years...time has been good...the group is definitely devoted to maintaining a magical momentum grounded from the 80s anthems to today's splendid moments...
yesterday brings tomorrow
devotion comes at levels with various tones -highly visible. hasn't change much over the years...time has been good...the group is definitely devoted to maintaining a magical momentum grounded from the 80s anthems to today's splendid moments...
yesterday brings tomorrow
Monday, June 1, 2009
May 30 - Sheep Stomach; Salem Cigarettes, Playing War

Images from the weekend…I spent time on Saturday retracing my tracks where I used to run around as a young dine’ boy along with my cousins…this is my paternal grandmother’s place in Tselani-Cottonwood Central Navajo Nation…she raised us since we were young- Education comes to us no matter…or sometimes we indulged in ‘ways of the force‘
thoughts of summer 1983 -
I walked around thinking the times we make ‘weapons’ using sticks and cactus –throwing them at each other…or when we chase each other with BB guns ‘playing war’; and more rambunctious acts like stealing my uncle Salems from his house -then we run down the hill to smoke them, acting like big shots! Otherwise we would have to smoke dry juniper bark wrapped in brown paper bag – haha…and we were just fascinated with gasoline…pyro explorations –yah! We enjoyed burning stuff…
…so gradually we move up from mischievous rituals to more adult teenage rituals (is it different?) – BBs turned into M1A1 –gotta love those turkey-shoot contest and hunting trips with dad and war uncles, racing trucks in the back roads, driving grandma to Gallup New Mexico at 12 with no license or throwing recently butchered sheep stomach on each other’s head or better yet other teenagers who would visit the family during the large enemy-way ceremonies…yeah those were times…
We only have one childhood…I sure had an eventful one -
thoughts of summer 1983 -
I walked around thinking the times we make ‘weapons’ using sticks and cactus –throwing them at each other…or when we chase each other with BB guns ‘playing war’; and more rambunctious acts like stealing my uncle Salems from his house -then we run down the hill to smoke them, acting like big shots! Otherwise we would have to smoke dry juniper bark wrapped in brown paper bag – haha…and we were just fascinated with gasoline…pyro explorations –yah! We enjoyed burning stuff…
…so gradually we move up from mischievous rituals to more adult teenage rituals (is it different?) – BBs turned into M1A1 –gotta love those turkey-shoot contest and hunting trips with dad and war uncles, racing trucks in the back roads, driving grandma to Gallup New Mexico at 12 with no license or throwing recently butchered sheep stomach on each other’s head or better yet other teenagers who would visit the family during the large enemy-way ceremonies…yeah those were times…
We only have one childhood…I sure had an eventful one -
image of richard jr and uncle wilson
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 26 -
today is my son's birthday...we are celebrating later tonight...i will take him to the dbacks game...should be awesome...gotta watch out for the foul balls...later mom + dad should be making their way here along with other family members...for a gift to him his first tool box with some 'starter' tools - got him some Craftsmen wretches from sears yesterday...i think he will love it...weekend was quick...i took my brandi to see No Doubt with paramore...what an awesome show! paramore just rock...i certainly enjoyed my time with brand...what a way to connect..right up my way too...i wonder how nikki felt when he takes his daughter to shows...i guess i have a my favor...i am not that famous (yet)...saturday morning i hike camelback echo mountain...was awesome yet my body felt clumsy...perhaps due to my resting the last two weeks...(note: i ran 13.1miles and i need to rest my legs)...not sure what was happening but something was definitely missing on that trek up echo canyon trail...all together good of the bigger items was the house hunting - we found something that may in fact be our new staging grounds...and better yet it close some nice amentities...lets hope it all works to go...big week this week....i willl be happy once i'm home in tselani-cottonwood taking pictures of where i grew up...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
afternoon stage
“the roots of character – those who preserve their integrity remain unshaken by the storms of daily life. They do not stir like leaves on a tree of follow the herd where it runs. In their minds remains the ideal attitude and conduct of living. This is not something given to them by others. It is their roots…it is a strength that exists deep within them”. – anonymous native american
earlier-was awesome to hear maryam is studying architecture at m.i.t. - wow
earlier-was awesome to hear maryam is studying architecture at m.i.t. - wow
12 de mayo de 2009
Today is ______________! another form of expression - now the world will read and stand true...shall i share my written accounts of daily emotions and thoughts...
ryhm + pwer
ryhm + pwer
diary may 12 tuesday
the day has begun -
earlier sat with marsha at starbucks...we met dan gibson on native peoples was a good sit body is sore from my 13.1 mile run sunday...i have to listen to my running for two also called me today...she called cause she was worried about me running in the heat...i told her i was fine and was ready for the 115 degree to go - later -
earlier sat with marsha at starbucks...we met dan gibson on native peoples was a good sit body is sore from my 13.1 mile run sunday...i have to listen to my running for two also called me today...she called cause she was worried about me running in the heat...i told her i was fine and was ready for the 115 degree to go - later -
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